Part 11: Engineering Room
Gillian: A t-t-time bomb!
Metal: Evacutate immediately! There is little time!
Metal: Anything could happen! You should probably SAVE frequently just to be safe.
Gillian: Now that you mention it, I haven't saved even once since arriving at the factory.
Metal: All right, now moving back.
Metal's alarm sounds!
Metal: Insectors! Use your blaster, Gillian! Push A to draw your blaster.
Kill the Insectors and...
Metal: The motion reading has vanished. Gillian, are you all right?
Gillian: They hit me once, but I'll survive.
Metal: Now activating first-aid systems! I'll stop the bleeding!
Gillian: Thanks, Metal.
Metal: Blood flow stopped. Disinfection completed. Now injecting "Junker's Blood" fluid supplement and pain killers. Finally, some nanomachines, healing agents.
Gillian: Youch! Oooh!
Metal: That should be sufficient for the time being.
Gillian: That was close. Gotta be more careful.
Metal: Sorry, I cannot go with you!
Gillian: What's wrong with you? Hurry it up!
Metal: I am incapable of locomotion!
Gillian: What on Earth are you blabbering about?! Let's go! It's gonna blow!
Metal: Please save yourself, I am paralyzed with fear!
Gillian: Oh I can't believe this stupid robot! Come on!
Gillian grabs Metal and they leap out of the factory just as it explodes! (When else?)
Metal: That's because you left the volume turned up.
Gillian: Damn Snatchers.
Metal: There is no need for concern. I have stored all the information about the evidence and the area in my memory. We should return to Junker Headquarters.
Yeah, I want to go complain that Harry gave me the pussy model of navigator. Also, "Oh, I can't believe this stupid robot!" is my favorite line in the game for some reason.
And we do!
Metal: We've returned to Junker Headquarters.
Gillian: Phew - that was some first day.
Metal: Now entering the building.
Mika: Gillian, I heard about Jean.
Gillian: I'm sorry. I wish I could have done more.
Metal: You performed your duties quite satisfactorily.
Mika: That's right. It's not your fault, Gillian. Don't worry about it. [OP's note: Oh, okay!] By the way, the Chief is waiting for you.
Chief: Well, Seed, that was a pretty rough first assignment to draw. You made a great effort, though. I've studied the data transmitted back by Metal Gear so I know all about what happened out there. It's too bad about Gibson; he was a great Junker. Seed, I need you to take over for him. You're the only one I've got left who can battle this Snatcher menace.
Chief: Oh... Seed?
Gillian: Yes?
Chief: How's that wound doing?
Gillian: ....?
Metal: I have already injected him with nanomachines. They will have him back to full strength in no time.
Chief: I see. Hang in there, Seed.
Gillian: ...thank you very much, Chief.
(That only happens if you get shot by the Insectors.)
Metal: I register high alcohol levels. Harry is intoxicated.
Harry: I really... you know, I really thought you were better than that. *hic*
Gillian: Harry...
Harry: What kind of backup was that supposed to be? If you were a better Junker than that, Jean... Jean wouldn'ta had to die out there.
Metal: Harry, that statement is incorrect.
Gillian: Don't worry about it, Metal. Harry's right.
Harry: Jean.... s-s-sorry. It's not your fault. *hic*
Gillian: Metal, could you give Harry the memory chip we pulled out of Little John?
Metal: Of course. Harry, this is Little John's memory chip.
Well, Harry's kind of a dick, huh? It's not my fault, Harry! The game wouldn't let me enter the factory until I LOOKed and INVESTIGATED everything, and then LOOKed at one more thing a second time!
(Really - actually, you have to do 8 things to get Gibson to scream before you can enter. And for the record, there are 35 Insectors to kill.)
Gillian: All right. Let's check out Gibson's room.
Metal: We should investigate Jean's personal items. We must learn what he was doing before he was killed.
Gillian: I see. Basic detective work...
Metal: It's an antique steel desk. This is the one Gibson was using.
We should probably take a look inside, eh?
Metal: It's an old-style working desk. It has drawers installed.
Metal: I'm afraid it's locked. I cannot open it.
Is this Snatcher's first puzzle?
Gillian: A key? Nobody uses keys anymore!
Well, okay. Maybe I overstated things with "this is how adventure games are meant to be designed." Snatcher can kind of treat you like an idiot.
Metal: As I recall, Jean had a key.
Oh, for fuck's sake, this is beyond hand-holding! I get it, I get it!
Metal: All right, I will try the key...
Metal: It's some kind of capsule medication.
Metal: It's a 5-inch floppy disk.
Gillian: A 5-inch disk? Nobody uses those things anymore.
Metal: It's a floppy disk for a personal computer.
Gillian: This disk must have something to do with Jean's investigation.
Metal: All right, I will store this disk as evidence.
Metal: It's the stomach medication that Jean was taking.
Gillian: These capsules may have something to do with all this. Let's keep them.
Metal: That will not be necessary. I have recorded the results of their chemical composition.
Metal: All right, let's investigate the locker.
Gillian: Check the pockets of the coat for me, will you?
Oh Gillian, you so lazy!
Metal: All right...
Metal: It's a chess piece made of wood.
Metal: It's a chess piece.
Gillian: This could mean something, Metal. Let's hang on to it as evidence.
Metal: All right, I will store this chess piece as evidence.
Gillian: I'm sure it must mean something.
Metal: I will close the drawer to the desk.
Gillian: ...better shut the locker.
Way to be neat, guys!
Metal: He appears to have fallen asleep with the brandy bottle in his hand.
Metal: This is odd. I thought that Harry only drank Japanese sake.
Gillian: What's this... brandy, huh?
Metal: What's this? There are numbers written on the label. It says "39-5644". It does not appear to be a date of any kind.
That sounds like a videophone number, which I know because I've played this game like 80 times trying to capture everything.
Metal: He has had too much to drink and has passed out. I'm afraid we will not be able to talk to him for a while.
Let's try calling that videophone number...